Flowrider' Teddy Roosevelt Terriers
We are the first Kennel in Canada to introduce the Teddy Roosevelt Terriers, who are still in the Rare Breed category, and are only registered with the United Kennel Club and the AKC FSS program they are currently in the Miscellaneous class with the AKC ,As soon as they are fully excepted with AKC I will start the process to get them into the CKC The Canadian Kennel Club in Canada . I have been breeding Collies for 40 years, producing over 150 champions in both varieties rough and smooth, and during a trip to the US, delivering a Collie, I stumbled upon the Teddy Roosevelt Terriers and fell in love. I'm not a small dog person but meeting this breed changed my mind 100%.
What is a Teddy Roosevelt Terrier? They are a small to medium-sized American hunting terrier, Lower-set with shorter legs, more muscular and heavier bone density than its cousin the American Rat Terrier. The Teddy Roosevelt Terrier or TRT, for short, are family dogs that love to please. Whether a TRT lives on a farm or in a city apartment, this special breed is a wonderful member of any family. They are well-known to be wonderfully affectionate, energetic and alert dogs whose curiosity and intelligence make them very easy to train. True to a terrier's nature, they will also hunt squirrel, love to dig up moles, and will rid the premise of any unwanted vermin. In addition to being excellent hunters, TRT's are quick to cuddle up on the couch by your side, travel well, and are wonderfully good with children and the disabled. It's often said that TRT's "come with an on and off switch," being playful and silly one minute and then easily settle and become calm, the next. No doubt, TRT's are adaptable to their surroundings and are truly devoted family pets. Even "big dog people" easily fall in love with the TRT's, since they tend to act like and easily befriend larger dog breeds.
As with the Collies, I am dedicated to breeding to TYPE and doing all Genetic Health Testing on the TRT's. As our breeding program is in the early years, we have incorporated a few dogs that have good Genetic DNA and are building on that. It is our goal to produce healthy dogs with a great DNA base. Although the TRT's come in many colors, Flowrider TRT's will be concentrating on only the Tri Piebalds, Tuxedo's, Chocolate Piebalds and Brindle Piebalds
Please enjoy your visit with our dogs. Contact us if you have any questions. We are actively looking for serious show/breeding homes here in Canada..
Sandra & Jim Hamilton
Flowrider Teddy Roosevelt Terriers
Kincardine, On Canada
The American Kennel Club created the Foundation Stock Service® (FSS®) to answer the needs of today's rare breed fanciers. The Foundation Stock Service® is an optional record-keeping service for all purebred breeds not currently registrable with the American Kennel Club.
The AKC is committed to taking the necessary action to ensure the continuation of purebred dogs. In accord with this objective, the AKC created the FSS® record-keeping service to allow rare breed fanciers to continue their commitment to the improvement of their breed.
One of the most serious concerns for any breed is the integrity of its pedigree and ownership records. For many fanciers, the ultimate goal is full AKC recognition. There are several criteria that must be met in order to achieve this plateau. Often, the biggest hurdle is creating and maintaining accurate records.
With the FSS®, the AKC staff of experts will maintain the pedigree and ownership records in addition to a stud book. The AKC has more than 100 years of experience protecting the integrity of registries for purebred dogs.
Fanciers who record their dogs with the FSS® can rest assured that the AKC will maintain quality stud books for their breeds.
The Foundation Stock Service® allows purebred rare breeds to continue to develop while providing them with the security of a reliable and reputable avenue to maintain their records.
Foundation Stock Service® is a requirement for fanciers of a breed who want to achieve full AKC recognition.
FSS® breeds may now compete in Companion Events and in Performance Events that AKC determines to be applicable. Breeds must have a breed standard. Recording your dog in FSS® can help catapult your breed into AKC competition.
While the recording of a dog in FSS® does not guarantee eventual full AKC registration, it does provide the avenue to compete in the exciting world of Companion and Performance Events.
Eligibility for Performance Events is subject to approval by the Performance Events Department upon review of the historical function of the breed or involvement in like events.
The American Kennel Club considers requests to enter FSS® from breed clubs or individual fanciers of a breed. Those wishing to pursue recording with FSS® must:
Fill out a questionnaire for new breeds. Email: fss@akc.org for questionnaire.
Provide a written breed history documenting the distinct breed over a period of many decades. This should include details on any foreign and/or domestic organizations that register the breed. The source of the historical information must also be provided.
Provide an official written breed standard, indicating the origin of that standard. If the standard differs from the official breed standard in the breed country of origin please specify those differences.
Provide photographs of the breed, including puppies and adults, as well as both dogs and bitches. If there are different accepted types in the breed, photographs of each type should be included and labeled as such.
The AKC only considers adding new breeds to the FSS® or its registry upon request. The breed must be recognized by an acceptable foreign or domestic registry.
The FSS® is not open to "rare" breeds that are a variation of an AKC-registrable breed or the result of a combination of two AKC-recognized breeds. This includes and is not limited to differences such as size (over and under), coat type, coat colors, and coat colors and/or types that are disqualifications from Conformation Events by AKC breed standards.
If the goal for your breed is AKC recognition please consider the action items below after your breed is in the FSS®. The recognition process begins with admission of the breed to the Miscellaneous Class.
Form a strong national breed club and encourage fanciers nationwide to join and get involved. A national breed club with representative membership of about 100 active households is expected for a breed to be placed in the Miscellaneous Class. The amount of active households needed can vary depending on the number of dogs recorded in the FSS®.
A breed entering the Foundation Stock Service® based upon being an established breed in a foreign registry must have reached full FCI recognition to be eligible to request Miscellaneous Class status.
Create a breed standard that conforms to the Guidelines for Writing Breed Standards. Final approval is made by the AKC Board at the time the breed is approved for full recognition.
Form some active committees such as a rescue committee or a health committee, put on shows, and publish a quarterly newsletter. A committed AKC liaison is also keeping AKC updated on the club's various activities provides documentation of the fanciers' dedication to full AKC recognition. Current officer and membership lists must be on file with the AKC.
Encourage other fanciers to record their dogs with FSS®. A minimum of 150-200 dogs with complete three-generation pedigrees, owned by many different individuals residing in various parts of the nation, must be recorded as part of the criteria for approval to move to the Miscellaneous Class. A club representing the breed must be in existence to request eligibility for the Miscellaneous Class. The more dogs you record with the FSS®, the more committed AKC believes the fanciers are to achieving full recognition. If the breed club has not submitted its breed registry for entry into FSS®, the club is required to do so when moving to the Miscellaneous Class. If more than one club exists, the selection of the Parent Club will occur prior to the breed being eligible for full recognition at which time the breed standard will be finalized.
Stay in contact. The AKC moves forward with recognition of breeds whose fanciers want the breed to be recognized. The Parent Club must maintain a minimum of annual contact with the AKC providing updated membership lists, documentation of club business and activities. The breeders and exhibitors are to demonstrate ongoing interest and responsible breeding practices.
Normally breeds remain in the Miscellaneous Class one to three years. Advancement to full registration will be contingent on growth in enrollment of dogs in FSS® and participation in AKC events. However breeds with 1,000 or more dogs enrolled in FSS® may be evaluated after six months in Miscellaneous, these breeds will remain in the Miscellaneous Class a minimum of 18 months. Breeds with less than 1,000 dogs will be evaluated at the end of each year in Miscellaneous. When all criteria are met the information is presented to the AKC Board of Directors for approval to move to full AKC recognition and breed conformation competition.
Request for the Miscellaneous Class will be contingent upon the following:
A Parent Club has been selected to represent the breed. Parent Club selection will be based upon the documentation of: the club history and conducting of business, the participation in AKC Events by the membership and participation in AKC Meet the Breeds and RDOD.
A breed entering the FSS® based upon being an established breed in a foreign registry must have reached full FCI recognition to be eligible to request Miscellaneous Class status.
The Club has balloted the membership to seek AKC Recognition.
A minimum of 150 dogs with three generation pedigrees are enrolled in the AKC Foundation Stock Service.
The Breed Standard has been revised in accordance with the AKC Breed Standard Guidelines.
Request for Regular status will be contingent upon the following:
The Constitution and By Laws has been reviewed by AKC Club Relations and is consistent with those recommended for Parent Clubs.
The Club submitting documentation of holding Annual Meetings and Board Meetings in accordance with the Club Constitution and By Laws.
The Club submitting documentation of election of officers in accordance with the Constitution and By Laws including copies of ballots and results.
The Club submitting documentation of conducting events for the membership, which may include independent Specialty Shows, educational programs for the membership, participation in AKC Meet The Breeds and Responsible Dog Ownership Day events.
The membership of the club is a minimum of 100 households, geographically distributed throughout the country.
The minimum number of dogs enrolled in the AKC Foundation Stock Service has increased to a minimum of 300-400 dogs with three generation pedigrees in the case of breeds that entered the Miscellaneous Class with a minimum of 150 dogs.
The participation in AKC Events is geographically distributed throughout the country with a minimum of 5 different dogs owned by Parent Club Members earning a Certificate of Merit.
The Club has conducted a minimum of two Open Shows for Miscellaneous Class and FSS breeds. The Club may request to hold additional events geographically distributed throughout the country.
A minimum of one year has elapsed since entering the Miscellaneous Class unless the breed has over 1,000 three generation dogs when entering the Miscellaneous Class, then the club may request full recognition after six months.